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Writing Assignments
Topic Sentences
The TOPIC SENTENCE is usually the first sentence of the paragraph.
This sentence tells
1. the topic of the paragraph
2. the author's attitude or opinion of the topic
The first sentence of an essay, piece of fiction, journalistic piece, opinion piece, etc.
1. grabs the reader's attention
2. sets the mood for the piece
3. leads the reader to "keep reading more..."
Writing Paragraphs
5 sentences
a. MAIN IDEA = 1st sentence
General statement - what do you want
the reader to feel look forward to?
b. 3 interesting facts = 2nd, 3rd, 4th sentences
Each sentence talks about one interesting fact.
You may use (not required)
First, (NOT firstly)
Next, (or Second, NOT secondly)
Third, (NOT thirdly)
Finally, (NOT Lastly)
c. Conclusion = 5th sentence
Summary - What decision and
conclusion do you want the
reader to make about the
DO NOT copy from: internet, print media
DO NOT copy from other students' writing
DO NOT translate from your native language text
DO write your own thoughts, opinions, creative
SUBMIT: Word document (.doc, .docx) NOT .hwp
English name, topic , class name -
on subject line
UPLOAD: www.webhard.co.kr
ID: marry PW: vidart
(your class name)
1. Write 1 paragraph
TOPIC: Things that are interesting to university age students on Rt. 66 in (state name)
2. 5 sentences:
a. MAIN IDEA = 1st sentence
General statement - what do you want the reader to feel, look forward to on Rt. 66 in (state)
Example: Rt. 66 in Illinois offers both adventure and history for university students traveling the Mother Road.
b. 3 interesting facts = 2nd, 3rd, 4th sentences
Interesting places to go, things to do, things to see
on Rt. 66 in (state)
Example: First, if you want a great view, go to the observation deck of the Sears Tower in Chicago.
Next (or second....NOT secondly), you can visit Lincoln's home and be surrounded by history.
Finally (or third.....NOT lastly), you can actually walk across the Mississippi River on the Chain of Rocks Bridge.
c. Conclusion = 5th sentence
Summary - What decision and conclusion do you want the reader to make about Rt. 66 in (state)?
Example: Therefore, university students can feel the history while having a great time traveling Rt. 66 in Illinois.
*****DO NOT copy from: internet, print media
DO NOT translate from Korean text
DO write your own thoughts, opinions,
creative ideas*****
*****Document - MS Word (.doc, docx) NOT .hwp)*****
English name, topic, class name - on subject line
Ask Prof. Mary Collins
email: maryhufs@yahoo.com
cell (hp): 017-253-7151
or click CONTACT US, use message box
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OK 73034