1. Read article (assigned) 2. Download and print the article 3. Underline: MAIN IDEA 3 interesting facts about the article
4. On back of article - write the MAIN IDEA, 3 interesting facts MAIN IDEA (1 sentence) ___________________________ FACT 1 (1 sentence) ____________________________ FACT 2 (1 sentence) ____________________________ FACT 3 (1 sentence) ____________________________
5. Bring article to class 6. Prepare to discuss in class (MAIN IDEA, 3 interesting facts) - "basketball style" discussion
Example: I read about_______ . It is interesting because ________ I want (do) (something similar) _____________________ because_____________ This topic goes well with my major ________________because_______________ ____________ is significant because_________________________ What is your opinion about this?__________________________________ In my opinion, _______________ is true.
1. Read content 2. Print the article 3. On this form write the 3 interesting things you will talk about in conversation group FACT 1 (1 sentence) ____________________________ FACT 2 (1 sentence) ____________________________ FACT 3 (1 sentence) ____________________________ 5. Bring article to class 6. Practice conversation with responses 7. Come to the conversation table with Collins Example: Speaker 1. I read about _______ yesterday. It was great because ________ Speaker 2. (response from response sheet) Speaker 3. How is this important to your life? Speaker 4. It is important because________ But, I couldn't understand what this part means..... Speaker 2. (response from response sheet) Speaker 4. What part of the reading were you interested in? Speaker 3. The part about _________________. This kind of thing is so different from what happens in my country. Speaker 1. (response from response sheet)
Continue the conversation until everyone has talked about their 3 ideas